12 October 2010

UGC-RC in Library Science at Manipur University

The Lady with the Golden Heart, Dr. Madhuri who also Heads the Department and Coordinates the course briefs the academic aspects.

UGC-RC in Library Science at Manipur University

The Director, UGC-ASC whose better half happens to be my teacher in the good old days educated us on the INs and OUTs of the University

UGC-RC in Library Science at Manipur University

With a mouth full of pan and a mind full of thoughts and a heart full of love and a face full of laughters... Please start asking what, why, which, when, and how to hop into the bandwagon of CHANGE.

UGC-ASC in Library and Information Science at Manipur University

Shri K. Chaoba Singh, one of the man who started Library Movement in Manipur and Manipur Library Act points out the short comings at the valedictory

04 October 2010


The most sought after Resource Person who was made to come for the 2nd time on popular demand.


A participant helping out a Resource Person with all the assistants busy with Life Science RC.

UGC Refreser Course at Manipur University

Halfway through, participants of UGC-RC in Library Science are made to shift to another lecture hall to make way for participants of UGC-RC in Life Science. Incidentally, the average age of participants are much higher with Library Science RC. Even the quality of bags given to Life Science were much superior. Do we have academic hierarchy of sort... inferior - supperior disciple?

Dark Corner

  THE DARK CORNER -Roel Hangsing “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute”. Proverb 31:8...