It is depressing to see so many conditions and selection gates being recommended and accepted for university and college teachers. Other Central Services simply waits for their cadre revision but enjoy better promotion avenues and perks (even better salary than us) as they climb the ladder. Unlike the central services the only livelihood of a university and college teacher is salary alone. It is fine to have so many conditions and selection gates but we deserved to be compensated appropriately. I wish associations like AIFUCTO would take up the matter with the UGC or MHRD.
The delay in finalization of fitment table or regulation only highlight the following facts:
1. that the present composition of UGC is incapable (this is also mentioned in MHRD press release). UGC should look at it’s own operational efficiency before attempting to meddle with the autonomy of the universities/college.
2. the number of anomalies in the present form of pay fixation is enormous which UGC or MHRD is not capable of rectifying it. Because, they are mostly time bound promotees in their respective jobs and rectification would amount to major alteration of the pay fixation. Such anomalies should be thought of when the Cabinet Secretaries were tearing down Prof. Chadha’s recomendation.
3. that we are at the mercy of bureaucrats who have little or no knowledge of higher education whose job entry requires a Bachelor's Degree only.
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